Nursing Is an Art and Science That Is Based on a Body of Knowledge That Is Continually Changing

Introduction About Nursing

Nursing is a wellness science of caring based on scientific knowledge. Professional nursing requires advanced didactics and grooming. Nursing is an fine art of applying scientific principles in intelligent and humanitarian way to care for and assist people in promoting, maintaining and restoring health.

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Nurses Unique Role In Health Intendance:

Nursing is dynamic and responds to the changing nature of social needs. Four features of contemporary nursing practice have been described (American Nurses Association, 1995 as cited in Urden, Stacy, and Lough, 2001):

  1. Attention to the full range of human being experiences and responses to health and disease without restriction to trouble-focused orientation.
  2. Integration of objective data. With noesis gained from an understanding of patient'due south or group'due south subjective feel.
  3. Application of scientific knowledge to the process of diagnosis and treatment.
  4. Provision of a caring relationship that facilitating health and healing.

Nursing equally a profession:

Although nursing has been called a profession for many years, an cess of the characteristics of a profession indicates that information technology should more accurately be considered as "emerging profession". Characteristic of a profession have been described:

  1. Authority to control its own work.
  2. Exclusive body of specialized knowledge
  3. All-encompassing period of formal grooming
  4. Specialized competence
  5. Control over work performance

  6. Service to guild
  7. Self-regulation
  8. Credentialing system to certify competence
  9. Legal reinforcement of professional person standards
  10. Ethical practice
  11. Creation of a collegial subculture
  12. Intrinsic rewards
  13. Public acceptance

 In Bangladesh, today nurses are functioning every bit key members on unlike aspects of health intendance. Still the nursing profession is non given respect that is deserved considering the vital role it plays in the patient care. There are several factors influencing this low condition e.g.

  • Low status of women
  • Nurses do non have high educational qualification or economic standing.
  • Nurses perform activities regarded as a routine activities east.g. physical care, maintenance of cleanliness, carrying out doctor'south order etc.

Nursing Education

Currently at that place is a lot of concern most the high probability of a astringent shortage of nurses in the upcoming years; office of that concern is fueled by the fact that there is fright that there volition non be plenty properly trained faculties to encounter the teaching needs of students enrolling in nursing caste programs. Now is an first-class fourth dimension for anyone interested in educational activity nursing to brainstorm pursuing the career. The government is handing out grants to nursing schools to help train faculty in preparation for the upcoming needs, so financial assist may be easier to obtain or better deals may be found on educatee loans.

Nurses who choose to enter nursing education must pursue a main'south degree. Entrance requirements mostly are that the nurse accept a BSN degree from a National League of Nursing accredited college (although there are some Acquaintance's to Chief'south degree programs bachelor), must have completed the Graduate Record Examination, and generally a GPA of 3.0. The boilerplate length of report is 12-18 months, although this time tin can vary depending on whether the student is a full- or part–fourth dimension student, and the caste requirements of the particular curriculum.

With the demand for nurse educators being and so slap-up, nurses entering the education field should wait to see salaries ascent and improvements in benefits, making teaching a more lucrative career for the nurse.

Choosing a Nursing School

Congratulations on deciding that you lot desire to go a nurse. At present with that big decision out of the way comes another, where will you nourish school to receive your degree? There are many factors to consider and some are presented here.

One thing that you lot need to decide upon is whether you want a two-year degree or a four-year degree. This determination is going to exist based more on your individual circumstances than anything else. Some nurses get ii-year degrees and are very happy with those. Other nurses complete a iv year degree all at one time, and others complete the two yr degree, work for a while, and then go back to farther their education. In general, two-year degrees are cheaper than 4-year degrees. Non all schools offer all types of programs.

Next, you desire to think virtually whether you lot want to attend school close to dwelling, or take your heart set on that special school farther abroad. Most of the time, in-land tuition costs are cheaper. If y'all nourish school close to home, y'all may be able to live at home and commute to classes, further lowering the costs.

After you take made these decisions, yous tin begin to narrow your choices. Within the schools that you lot have in listen, start finding out data about each one. What accept their almost recent state board passage rates been? The schoolhouse or the board of nursing in your state may provide you with this information. Is the nursing program accredited and, if and then, by what organizations? Ask how well they did on those surveys. What is the educatee to teacher ratio? A lower ration means that the instructors should have more time to spend with each individual pupil.

Advisedly cheque the caste requirements for each school you are because. These requirements can vary and can bear upon total cost of your pedagogy. Do the degrees requirements seem to be reasonable when compared to the others that you are because, or practice extra or excessive classes seem to be present? Sit down with the requirements of each program you are considering and add together up costs by credit hour for your entire degree. This will requite yous a better overall moving picture.

Afterward you have narrowed your choice of schools downwards to three or less, visit each school personally to get a feel for the temper there. Expect at facilities such as the library. Do they seem to be up to date and well equipped for the size of the school? Finally, try to meet and speak to one or more of the instructors in the Nursing Program.

Studying for state boards begins the very day that y'all begin nursing school, so you need to carefully invest some time and energy to discover the school that is correct for you.


For people because nursing as a second career at that place are many problems that are ofttimes raised. I issue is the question of education. There are many paths to enter the field of nursing. Some people choose to enter as a licensed practical nurse and others choose to enter directly as a registered nurse. In deciding this question there are two main differences—licensed practical nurses require a shorter menses of schooling, then the time for entry into the profession is shorter; nonetheless, salaries are generally lower for this type of nurse, but jobs tend to be more plentiful. Registered nurses can enter the profession with a two- or four-yr caste. Jobs are still plentiful and salaries are higher.

There are many types of job opportunities for people choosing to enter nursing as a second career. Nurses work in a variety of settings such every bit hospitals, clinics, and md'southward offices. There are a multitude of less traditional settings too. Individual duty, home health, schools, and occupational nursing are all options as well. The field of nursing is an extremely diverse occupation with many choices bachelor. In that location is certain to exist something to adapt virtually every interest.

A question people entering nursing as a 2d career sometimes ask is if they are too old to begin a career in the profession. The average age of a nurse in this country is slightly over 45 years of age, and over 11 percent are past the historic period of 60. Therefore, it is never too late to pursue nursing as a second career.

Considerations nearly the working status persons entering nursing equally a 2nd career face are varied. This is dependent upon the setting in which you cull to do. Some jobs require shift work or beingness on telephone call. Sometimes it may be necessary to work weekends or holidays. Some nurses spend a lot of time on their feet and heavy lifting may be involved. Other settings may be more ix to 5 business concern-blazon hours. This is another example of the variety of the profession.

If yous are thinking of entering nursing equally a second career, then explore all the opportunities that are available to you. Y'all will take a feeling of achievement and pride to exist making a divergence in people's lives and you will enjoy a comfortable salary. For these many reasons other people accept discovered that it is never too late to enter nursing every bit a 2d career.

Nurses association

Student Nurses Association is a nursing association defended to promoting professionalism and leadership for today'due south students. The student nurses association has got its advisor at the national level, the state level and likewise at the unit level.

Objective of Student Nurses Association

1. To Aid the student Uphold the dignity and ideals of other profession.

2. To promote the spirit of unity amidst the educatee.

3. To encourage the leadership and administration ability of to gain knowledge in different area of the profession.

4. To increase social contracts and general cognition of the student in profession more often than not and also in the field of arts Sports and games.

5. To give opportunity to the student to write in the nursing journal of Bangladesh.

6. To encourage the students for holding exhibition at zonal, land and national levels.

Nursing Prototype Today

Today nursing emerged as a learned profession, which is both a science and art. Scientific discipline is the observation, Identification, clarification, experimental investigations and theoretical explanation of natural phenomena. It is a body of noesis. Knowledge is an awareness or perception of reality which is acquired through the learning or investigation. Science is divers every bit both a unified body of knowledge concerned with specific bailiwick matter and the skills of methodology necessary to provide such knowledge. Therefore nursing science is the knowledge of germane to discipline or nursing plus the processes and methodologies used to proceeds the knowledge.

 Goal of the science is identification of facts about the subject affair of a discipline ascertaining that- What, when, Where, Who, How - of phenomena of interest to the subject.

 Modern nursing involves many activities, concepts and skills related to bones sciences. Which are related to so many branches of Social Scientific discipline, growth and development, contemporary outcome, and other areas of nursing? Sometimes we are phone call nursing is a unique profession because it directly responses of the private and families to actual or potential health problem in humanistic and holistic manner. At present a day's nurses are related to so many activities such equally care takers, Decision maker, advocate and teachers, comforter from illness or injury and other often assume several roles at the aforementioned fourth dimension.


Become a nurse… Better yet, become a Canadian Nurse !

It is true that everyone, at some point in their life, volition need the services of a nurse. As a vital part of the healthcare organisation, nurses intendance for people when they are at their most vulnerable and fifty-fifty in times of great joy. With lives in their hands, nurses take a unique ability to support, inform, empower, and engage the people entrusted to their care. Intellectually challenging, rewarding, flexible, and diverse, the nursing profession is more than only a task… information technology's a distinguished career!

Nurses provide holistic upstream (i.e. affliction prevention and health promotion) and downstream (i.e. affliction recovery and peaceful palliation) care to individuals, families, and populations and their actions are always supported by current, high-quality inquiry. Often dubbed a resource in the pursuit of health, nurses build trusting, therapeutic relationships with their clients and employ good critical thinking skills to assist their clients reach their wellness-related goals.

A nurse's work is never dull! Throughout his or her career span, a nurse may participate in one or many areas of the vast array of healthcare settings. In bangladesh, nurses work in infirmary departments such equally medicine, surgery, intensive intendance, emergency, maternity, psychiatry, pediatrics, elderliness, and palliative. In the customs, they tin fill nursing roles in public health, military, outpost, abode care, military camp, and street outreach settings, to name a few. Nurses are committed to professional person growth and lifelong learning; All Bangladeshi nurses continually upgrade their education in current all-time practices, many obtain advanced accreditation for their surface area of nursing expertise, and some nurses even pursue nursing pedagogy at the principal'due south level to become nurse practitioners, nurse educators, nurse researchers, and nurse administrators. In all areas of practice, nurses participate in political advocacy to influence the policy that shapes the means past which quality healthcare is delivered in People's republic of bangladesh and around the world.

Bangladeshi nursing teaching involves supported clinical practice experiences paired with in-class courses in clinical skills, nursing theory, ethics, enquiry, pathophysiology, growth and development, psychology, folklore, and much more. In short, curricula offered by all accredited Bangladeshi nursing schools impart the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to get a competent, professional nurse. Bangladeshi nursing programs enable students to develop their power in the many roles that nurses fill up, be it leader, team fellow member, teacher, or even advocate. By graduation, nursing students possess a firm foundation of technical, professional, and humanistic competencies that enable them to enter the dynamic and challenging Bangladeshi healthcare system with confidence.

All in all, Bangladeshi nursing instruction prepares nurses for a challenging, dynamic, and personally rewarding career. These nursing graduates are prepared to not only survive, simply thrive in today'southward e'er-changing healthcare system and provide high-quality intendance to people from all walks of life. At the profession'south very core, nurses are endowed the greatest responsibility and honor of all… touching lives!

Student Nursing

Florence Nightingale's Nursing School connected to influence nurse grooming. Until the 1960s, the ward sister controlled the ward in which student nurses learned. Consultants were classified as visitors and had appointed times to conduct their rounds. The ward was closed to allow the patient to rest. Rigorous routine, the basis of the apprenticeship grooming was argued to take get restrictive. In the early 1960s, reform was sought and the timetable of the ward revised. Hospital life was to be nearer to dwelling house life, with longer sleeps in the morning and rest during the day.

You take read the books and practiced in the clinical labs, and now the day has finally arrived for you lot to take care of your outset real patient. This may be a fourth dimension of excitement for you, or one of dread and fearfulness, but at that place are tips to assist you get the well-nigh out of each clinical feel that y'all have.

Kickoff and foremost, be kind to the patient. Retrieve, near patients are not in the infirmary because they want to be; they are there because they have to exist. Take an air of confidence near you even if you practice not feel information technology. Some patients love to accept students taking care of them considering they get extra time and attention that the regular staff does non have the resources to provide. If a patient begins to question a medication or a procedure that you are near to give, make sure that first you lot accept the correct patient by checking the patient's armband and so graciously say "Mr. Jones, give me a moment to double check on that for you and I'll be back with you in a few minutes." This gives yous time to double cheque the chart or consult the right resources, such as the procedure manual or your clinical instructor. If the patient really seems to be uncomfortable, it is OK to ask the clinical instructor to come along with you to make the patient more at ease. It will show the patient that you lot intendance about their well being. Most importantly, never perform a clinical procedure for the first fourth dimension without consulting with your clinical teacher. Patient safety is always a first consideration.

Another tip that tin can help yous get the about out of each clinical experience is to briefly read almost the patient's affliction process and their medications before you begin your twenty-four hour period. This volition merely take you a few moments, but will be worth your time. Never be agape to ask the patient questions, say, "Mr. Jones the disease that you have can touch people in a variety of ways, tell me how it affects you." Or "When yous exercise your bathing are there any special ways that you have that make it easier for you?" The patients will really appreciate the fact that you cared to ask and it gives them a measure of control, which tin be of import to them.

Nursing Journals

Nursing Journals are professional magazines that are geared toward the profession of Nursing. There are many types of nursing journals, from generalized ones that cover all aspects of nursing and nursing intendance, to highly specialized ones that focus on one item surface area of nursing.

Nursing journals are a great way to keep upward with what is going on in the world of nursing and to keep abreast of new technologies. Part of your responsibility as a nurse is to keep upwards to date with the changes in electric current practice and every nurse should go far a habit to regularly read at to the lowest degree ane nursing periodical.

When starting out equally a new nurse, it is probably best to kickoff out with a generalized nursing periodical, equally they can requite a lot of valuable information to the new nurse. They very ofttimes have information virtually managing conflicts, patient emergencies, and dealing with family unit members. The Nursing serial of journals is an excellent i for new nurses to read and the nurse should focus on these types of journals for the beginning 2-3 years of their career to aid strengthen their controlling and cognition base.

Once y'all have settled into nursing and take chosen a specialty, you want to also include journals that are specific to your nursing specialty. There are nursing journals for med-surg, ostomy, cardiac care, pediatrics, nephrology, or but about whatsoever specialty that you can name, and most specialties have more than 1 periodical. So, look over some that you like and choose one that appeals the most to you. They are a really nifty style of advancing your nursing knowledge beyond the basics. Nigh of the Nursing Journals also have at least i standing education opportunity per issue, so they are an extremely convenient way to earn continuing education credits besides.

Bangladesh Nursing Council


Suraya Begum


Bangladesh Nursing Council


Nursing profession reminds 1 of Florence Nightingale, the nursing fable in one of the noblest of profession in the globe. Nursing is the art of caring for the sick through the science of health care. Every bit a vital component of medical care, it has come up a long way. Today, it offers tremendous scope of career growth and opportunities are more and varied.

The biggest challange People's republic of bangladesh faces today is the lack of human resource in health - physician, specialists, nurses or paramedics. As per a contempo Planning Commission report, the land is short of 6 lakh doctors and x lakh trained nurses. For every 25 chiliad People's republic of bangladesh, there is merely i nurse. In the rapidly changing healthcare scenario of the day, nurses are challenged to work in expanded specialist and avant-garde practise roles. Nursing education is much more than making them up in preparation. Information technology means continuous growth in the capacity to work with the wellness team, patients and the community. Bangladesh Nursing and midwifery Council is contributing its small share in the field of nursing instruction since 2001. Information technology is yet in the procedure of innovations and renovations. The Institute, which rightly boasts of its infrastructure and professionally qualified team of faculty, is committed to produce globe class nursing professionals by providing world grade nursing education.



(Perspective of a BSN graduate from the University of Dhaka, Dhaka Urban center, Bangladesh)

Past: Khan Physician. Golam Mourshed

Nurse's main business organisation thought by many that we merely function to preserve the human trunk to its optimum health status. It'south a common perception of those individuals who are not in the field of nursing. Nonetheless, in my case as a nursing graduate, my primary concern is on how to take proficient intendance of my patients.

I could say that caring and pity piece of work hand in mitt. These attributes are said to exist the best methods to make the patients comfortable. Caring and being compassionate are supposed to be the tasks that should be highlighted in the nursing profession.

According to View of Mohammad Ullaha, Head of Nursing, ICDDRB, Dhaka, uttered at the Nursing Standard that nurses simply does not call for academic skills but as well Practical, clothe and Others themselves with caring and compassion.

A nurse should non just be academically dressed up but should as well demonstrate intendance and pity. Caring for the patients gives a motivating power of healing. It seems that they will be healed emotionally and also spiritually. It loosens their mental agony and brings stress-free ambiance in their environment. Caring brings a unique image to nursing profession.

In addition, existence a compassionate individual besides gives an edge to nursing from other professions. I could say it'southward not like shooting fish in a barrel to be compassionate to the patients. For instance in one of my hospital exposures, I encounter many patients from the oncology ward who try to ask me several questions regarding their health status or if not them, their relatives or loved ones. Equally a BSN graduate, it's trouble-complimentary to deal with these kinds of scenarios peculiarly if you do accept a broad cognition towards their health conditions. And putting yourself on their shoes so called empathy is really the best style to deal with the situation.

As nurses we should be aware that there are three components that we should learn and should be implementing in the workplace. These three components are correlated to the qualities of leadership. Ane of these components is to have the conceptual skills. This quality gives a nurse a way on how she/he utilizes her/his disquisitional thinking. 2nd quality is to have a suitable interpersonal skill. This is how the nurse mingles with her/his patients or co-workmates. Uplifting yourself with good interpersonal skills gives you an edge to be aware of those people from different walks of life. Lastly, the technical skill which increases the nurse'due south self-esteem. This skill is on how you lot make use of your knowledge towards doing basic procedures similar how to do bed bath, administering medications and the like.

Hence, these qualities should be possessed by nurses in caring to their patients. Nurses should clothe themselves with compassion, caring attitude and fortify themselves with the three components which are the conceptual, interpersonal and technical skills.


(Perspective of a BSN graduate from the Academy of Dhaka, Dhaka Urban center, People's republic of bangladesh)

By: Khan Md. Golam Mourshed

Nurse'southward chief concern idea past many that we just function to preserve the human being body to its optimum health status. Information technology'south a mutual perception of those individuals who are not in the field of nursing. However, in my case equally a nursing graduate, my primary concern is on how to take good care of my patients.

I could say that caring and compassion work hand in manus. These attributes are said to be the best methods to make the patients comfortable. Caring and being compassionate are supposed to exist the tasks that should be highlighted in the nursing profession.

According to View of Mohammad Ullaha, Head of Nursing, ICDDRB, Dhaka, uttered at the Nursing Standard that nurses simply does not phone call for academic skills but also Applied, clothe and Others themselves with caring and compassion.

A nurse should non just be academically dressed up but should too demonstrate care and compassion. Caring for the patients gives a motivating power of healing. It seems that they will be healed emotionally and also spiritually. Information technology loosens their mental agony and brings stress-gratis ambiance in their environment. Caring brings a unique epitome to nursing profession.

In addition, being a compassionate individual also gives an border to nursing from other professions. I could say it's not easy to exist compassionate to the patients. For instance in 1 of my hospital exposures, I meet many patients from the oncology ward who try to enquire me several questions regarding their health condition or if not them, their relatives or loved ones. As a BSN graduate, it'due south trouble-free to bargain with these kinds of scenarios especially if you do have a wide noesis towards their health conditions. And putting yourself on their shoes so called empathy is actually the best manner to deal with the state of affairs.

As nurses we should be aware that there are three components that nosotros should larn and should be implementing in the workplace. These three components are correlated to the qualities of leadership. One of these components is to have the conceptual skills. This quality gives a nurse a way on how she/he utilizes her/his critical thinking. 2d quality is to have a suitable interpersonal skill. This is how the nurse mingles with her/his patients or co-workmates. Uplifting yourself with skilful interpersonal skills gives you an edge to be aware of those people from different walks of life. Lastly, the technical skill which increases the nurse's self-esteem. This skill is on how y'all brand use of your knowledge towards doing bones procedures like how to do bed bathroom, administering medications and the like.

Hence, these qualities should be possessed past nurses in caring to their patients. Nurses should clothe themselves with compassion, caring attitude and fortify themselves with the three components which are the conceptual, interpersonal and technical skills.


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